京都大学 博士(経済学)
京都大学大学院 経済学研究科 単位取得満期退学
京都大学大学院経済学研究科博士後期課程 修了
坂上雅治・栗山浩一 編著『エコシステムサービスの環境価値』晃洋書房 2009
室田武・坂上雅治・三俣学・泉留維著『環境経済学の新世紀』中央経済社 2003
「水環境保全に関わる地域の価値観」、和田英太郎監修『流域環境学』京都大学学術出版会 2009
Sakagami,M., Sakaguchi,D, Estimating preferences for wood products with environmental attributes’, Forests,vol.9, 2018
Tokimatsu,K.,M.Aicha,K.Yoshida,M.Nishio,E,Endo,M.Sakagmi,K.Murkami,N.Itsubo, Measuring marginal willingness to pay using conjoint analysis and developing benefit transfer functions in various Asian Cities’, International Journal of Sustainable Development &World Ecology,23,2016
Motoshita,M.,M.Sakagami,Y.Kudoh,K.Tahara,A.Inaba, Potential impacts of information disclosure designed to motivate Japanese consumers to reduce carbon dioxide emissions on choice of shopping method for daily foods and drinks, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol.101, 2015
Sakagami,M., T.Okuda, Lim.H.F, Estimating potential preferences for wood products sourced from forests that are managed using sustainable forest management scheme, International Forestry Review, vol.16(3),2014
Sakagami,M., R.Haas, Consumer preferences for organic foods in Austria using stated preference methods,Current Nutrition and Food Science, vol.8, 2012
Itsubo,N., M.Sakagami, K.Kuriyama, A.Inaba, Statistical analysis for the development of national average weighting factors - visualization of the variability between each individual’s environmental thoughts, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, vol.17, 2012
Sakagami,M., T.Ohno, T.Tanaka
Quantifying Japanese residents’ preferences for public meetings in watershed decision-making process, Applied Environmental Education and Communication, vol.9, 2010
Ohno,T., T.Tanaka, M.Sakagami, Does social capital encourage participatory watershed Management?, Society and Natural Resources, vol.23 2010
Kosugi,T,Tokimatsu,K.,A.Kurosawa,N.Itsubo,H.Yagita,M.Sakagami, Internalization of the external costs of global environmental damage in an integrated assessment model, Energy Policy, vol.37(7), 2009
Sakagami,M., M.Sato, K.Ueta
Measuring Consumer Preferences Regarding Organic Labelling and the JAS Label in Particular, New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research,vol.49, 2006